About Us
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We are a Canadian incorporated company based in Calgary, Alberta providing immigration and educational services to clients across the world. Our aim is to provide cost effective services and also thereby strive to attain high ethical standards while serving our esteemed clients.
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) and the Citizenship Act requires anyone providing Canadian immigration or citizenship advice or representation for a fee or other consideration needs to be a member in good standing with ICCRC.
Blessy Alexander is a licensed Regulated Canadian immigration consultant (RCIC)in good standing R515891 and is authorized by the Canadian government to represent your interests in all immigration matters. IRCC will not deal with representatives who are not authorized in Canada or abroad, and may return your application or refuse it.
Sabu Alexander is a licensed Education Agent in good standing CCG00160 and deals with matters related to Student admission to Canadian Colleges and Universities.